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Asia is a landmass variously described as part of Eurasia or as Earth's largest and most populous continent in its own right, located primarily in the Eastern and Northern Hemispheres.

Asia has the highest number of billionaires in the world and not only that it is a home to the highest mountains in the world. 60% of the world's population live in Asia.

Asia's vast area allows for varied and extreme climates. It has some of the coldest, hottest, wettest, and driest places on Earth and Asia is the birthplace of all the world's major religions—Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism—and of many minor ones.

The word Asia originated from the Ancient Greek word Ἀσία, first attributed to Herodotus (about 440 BCE) in reference to Anatolia or to the Persian Empire, in contrast to Greece and Egypt. It originally was just a name for the east bank of the Aegean Sea, an area known to the Hittites as Assuwa.

90% of the world’s rice is consumed in Asian countries and also the tallest buildings in the world can be found in Asia and many venomous snakes can be found in Asia

The Gobi Desert is the largest desert in Asia

Baikal Lake is the largest lake in the world

More than 2300 languages are recognized on the continent

The Yangtze River is the largest river on the Asian continent

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There are 54 Countries in Africa.It covers 30 Million Square Kilometres the Most Widely Spoken Language is Arabic.There are More than 2,000 Recognised Languages, lliteracy is as High as 40% Across the Continent.

Africa is the World's Hottest Continent and it is the second largest continent on Earth.Africa is the home to the world's old university and the world's largest , tallest and fastest animals come from Africa.

Africa is distinctively unique continent among all 7 continents of the world. Africa has a very diverse culture. It is rich in cultural heritage and diversity, a wealth of natural resources, offers breathtaking tourist attractions.

With a fortune of around $400bn in today's money, Mansa Musa I of Mali, the first king of Timbuktu, was by most estimates one of the richest people in history and who was an African

Popular tourist attractions are :

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The name Oceania is used, rather than Australia, because unlike the other continental groupings, it is the ocean rather than the continent that links the nations together. Oceania is the smallest continental grouping in land area and the second smallest, after Antarctica, in population.

Oceania is the smallest continent in the world by land and Australia is wider than the moon.The smallest country in Oceania is Tokelau, located in Polynesia. It spans over just 12 km² (5 mi²).

Puncak Jaya is the tallest island mountain on Earth which is located in Oceania and Uluru in Australia is the largest rock monolith in the world

Problems of ozone depletion, climate change, hazardous waste dumping, and driftnet fishing fall
into this category, these are some of the environmental problems faces by Oceania

Fewer than 6.5 million in all, the peoples of Oceania possess a vast repository of cultural traditions and ecological adaptations. Papua New Guinea alone is home to one-third of the world's languages - about 780 distinct vernaculars.

Since the region of Oceania consists of islands, seafood is a prominent part of the diet, with vegetables such as potatoes sweet potato, taro and yams being the main starch. Coconut, and its derivative products such as coconut milk, coconut oil and coconut sugar are an important ingredient in the tropics of Oceania.

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North America

North America is the home of the largest island and Denali is the highest Mountain in North America there are many famous and spectacular geographical features on the North American continent. These include the Appalachian Mountains and Rocky Mountains, the Mississippi River, the Great Lakes, Niagara Falls.

North America today is a global economic powerhouse, home to almost five hundred million people living in three vibrant democracies. Together the three nations account for over 26 percent of global GDP. Totaling roughly $20 trillion, their combined economies outpace the European Union in economic production.

Hamburger. The popularity of the hamburger and cheeseburger in the USA is indisputable. Traditional, gourmet, fast food, with bacon, sliders, with green chili, Juicy Lucy style… the list of variations and toppings is infinite. If there is one food that we had to pick, burgers have to be the most American of them all.

The United States is usually known for western wear, which includes denim jeans, cowboy hats, and flannel shirts. These are long-sleeved shirts that are typically made from wool, though cotton varieties are also available.

Animals found in North America are :
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South America

Some indigenous tribes have no contact with modern civilization and more than 300 languages are spoken on the continent. South America is a continent of extremes. It is home to the world's largest river (the Amazon) as well as the world's driest place (the Atacama Desert).With an unparalleled number of plant and animal species, South America's rich biodiversity is unique among the world's continents.

The world's second-largest swimming pool is found in South America.South America's total Population is : 428 million people. and the largest city is Sao Paulo (Brazil). The highest Mountain range found here is Aconcagua (6962 meters above the sea).

South America has diverse agricultural products, vast mineral wealth, and plentiful freshwater. It also has rich fisheries and ports on three bodies of water: the Caribbean Sea, Atlantic Ocean, and Pacific Ocean. The continent's economy is centered on the export of natural resources.

South America, fourth largest of the world's continents. It is the southern portion of the landmass generally referred to as the New World, the Western Hemisphere, or simply the Americas.South America's record high temperature of 48.9 °C (120 °F) was reached in Rivadavia, Argentina on December 11, 1905.

Machu Picchu, Peru. Machu Picchu is one of the most intriguing destinations on the planet and arguably the greatest of South America's tourist attractions.

South America is the "Bird Continent": It boasts 3445 species, more than any other. (Much larger Eurasia is second with 3328.) Colombia's list alone numbers 1854 confirmed species, and both Brazil's and Peru's confirmed lists exceed 1800.Black Caiman,they are the largest predator in the Amazon Rainforest and will attack any mammal within reach, as well as feeding on fish, turtles, and birds.

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Antarctica is the highest, driest, coldest and windiest continent on Earth.Antarctica covers 14.2 million km² (5.5 million square miles).There Are Places In Antarctica Which Haven't Received Rain Or Snow In 2 Million Years and there Is A Waterfall In Antarctica Which Is Called Blood Falls.

More Meteorites Are Found In Antarctica Than Anywhere Else In The World.Antarctica Has No Official Time Zone ,Emilio Marcos Palma Was The First Person To Be Born In Antarctica.

Antarctica, The Arctic And Some Other Remote Islands Are The Only Places In The World Not Colonized By Ants and Antarctica Is The Only Continent Without Reptiles And Snakes.

Antarctica holds most of the world's fresh water An incredible 60-90% of the world's fresh water is locked in Antarctica's vast ice sheet. The Antarctic ice sheet is the largest on Earth, covering an incredible 14 million km² (5.4 million square miles) of Antarctic mountain ranges, valleys and plateaus.

Antarctica is the only continent with no permanent human habitation. There are, however, permanent human settlements, where scientists and support staff live for part of the year on a rotating basis. The continent of Antarctica makes up most of the Antarctic region.

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The geologic record of the continent of Europe is a classic example of how a continent has grown through time. The Precambrian rocks in Europe range in age from about 3.8 billion to 541 million years.

Europe is the second-smallest continent. ... Europe's rich agricultural and industrial diversity has made the continent a center of trade and commerce for centuries. It is centrally located between the two other “Old World” continents, Africa and Asia.

Vatican City is the smallest country not only in Europe, but also in the world. The city state, an enclave within Italy, is the smallest country both by population and by size.

Most European languages belong to either the Romance languages (such as French, Italian, Spanish), the Germanic languages (among them are German, English) or the Slavic languages (among them Russian, Bulgarian, Polish).

n Europe, there are 270 species of mammals, such as boar, bat, deer, hare and otter. Of all mammal species 15% are endangered among them the wolf, bear and the lynx. There are 75 species of amphibians in Europe, most of them are endemic species in Southern Europe such as newts and salamanders.

St. Peter’s Basilica is the largest church in Europe and the Kingdom of Denmark is the oldest monarchy in Europe.We can find Europe’s tallest building in Russia,Bulgaria is the oldest European nation by name. Wales has a town with 57 letters in its name.

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